Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Boys and girls its time once again to necro this topic but with a new perspective on it. Anyways after thinking about why people made buildings I noticed that in most cases the buildings were ether the main home for the player or they where for multiblock constructions such as the bloomery, the forge or even the charcoal pits and pit kilns were made into their own separate buildings/ had their own designated spaces with some kind of decorations or embellishments. So perhaps a way of making people want to make more infrastructure or just more buildings is to make more multiblock structures when possible. But not just 2x2 cubes but alsomore like the forge or pit kiln or forge is right now, it is technically a 1x1 block but it needs curtain needs met like having solid blocks on each side and being open to the air making it more of a 3x3 chunk minus the corners. It turns what could have been just a block in one houseinto something that people usually want to build a house designed specifically to hold. It also helps that there are systems that make itmore convenient and or more efficientto make a forge in a separate house like the ingot heating and cooling mechanism as well as how the forge gets hotter the more air is around it (if that hasn't changed last I heard) Anyway perhaps if things like drying racks for meat, as I hear may be implemented, could have things like drying speed affected ambient temperature and/orby air blocks around it like the firepit/forge does with heat there would be an incentive to designate a field for the.Perhaps a bigger barrel made to start the fermentation processes and create more of a reason to build a pub/brewery/inn. Anyone have any other ideas on what could be made into a multiblock or given specific requirements (forge or charcoal pit like) that would not be doing so just for the reason of making more multiblocks or adding tedium to tasks. It doesn't have to be in the game so any ideas for future buildings or systems is fair game as well. Also aide note I'm writing this at one am on a tablet that for some unholy reason thinks I should write everything in caps so tell me if I missed an autocorrect anywhere, thanks.